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All tokens are in PNG format and DOUBLE our usual resolution (400dpi) just in case you need a bigger version (for example Enlarge spell) you wont lose any detail :)

This pack contains 5 new Creature Tokens each with multiple color variants:

  • Stone Giant - Huge
  • Cow - Large
  • Gynosphinx - Large - *Scale200
  • Salamander - Large - *Scale150
  • Young Black Dragon - Large - *Scale200

*Scale<%> - Artwork of  these tokens is larger than their Bounding box.

For example a Token with ” *_Large_Scale200_* ” in the filename has intended scale of 200% or 2x of it's 2x2sq Bounding Box.

Which means that for recommended scale in Foundry, You should set the Scale(Ratio) to 2 in Token Image Settings.

Total # of tokens in this pack:  54!

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The Emberforge

Seems like we've been getting a lot of creature tokens and spell effects recently. Is there any plan to go back to regular map assets, as that's what I'm really here for.


Absolutely, we will be focusing on more standard assets in the upcoming months ^_^ Desert flora, Sails/Ship parts and Forge/Smithing assets are currently in the works already!


I am more than happy with having more tokens :D


+1 for more regular assets. Have no need for tokens


Please make the adult versions of the chromatic dragons please please!


I'm digging more tokens! :)

Lois Matthews

Am ABSOLUTELY hanging out for these when they arrive cos I know they're gonna look SWEEEET

John Charles

Can't second this notion enough... if you put all other tokens on hold and just focused on the older dragon versions it would be a godsend! Yours are the best there are.