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Hey Patrons!

We have some interesting texture, creature and asset packs already in the works, that'll be coming out this month. We usually pick and choose our own projects/packs and it highly depends on what we are in the mood for etc.

But at the same time We're always trying to look into the future and decide what should we do/focus on next  based on your suggestions :)

We have couple of things we would like to gauge your interest/priority on so we have a better idea where to put our focus!  

Feel free to leave other suggestions in the comments (or preferably in our suggestion box on discord), but be aware that they will be added to the ongoing brainstorming list, but not considered for this poll.

Also Keep in mind that release schedule/order might not be entirely based on the results of this poll, and we will also have other packs in the works/released in the near future beside the ones mentioned in this poll.



Finally more stuff for my ships. I can't wait, pls let ship parts win. 🙏

Dr. Feargood

I am hoping for Flora, new homebrew campaign is 40% desert. Sadly lacking on desert related assets.


More creature tokens..😅


I was going to ask about thatched rooves or delapidated ones. Most villages set in a fantasy rural settings would surely not all have neat perfect tiled rooves so this would really add character to village maps.


Desert! Dark Sun needs some love.


Flora would be pretty cool for outside maps and decorative purposes.


Was really wanting some roofs but looks like that won't be next. I like all of these but roofs are my pick. Boats are rarely used. I haven't had any yet but will do someday.

Ronja Greger

You know what I really miss? Statues, especially all the animal ones!!! Desert plants are the things I need and lack most often out of this list, however thatched roofs and ship parts would be amazing too. Food not so much, it is always nice to have some options there, but it is not something my players usually notice and I can make do very well with what we have already.


i know it will probably not happen as its not as popular but id absolutely love some (semi) modern assets (furniture, small electronics, cars etc) i run a game at vaguely 1950s techlevel (+steampunk) and sometimes have troubles making maps for it XD


if the other items will be developed anyway, it's good for me anyway


Would absolutely love ship stuff, the amount of times I have gone to build a ship only to remember there aren't many fa assets for it and then gotten really unmotivated are uncountable.


Big on the roofs for me. I love the current roofs you've made, but having some variety between the richer and poorer districts is big for me.


My players will love when i revise their ship a third time!


I would love to see some alternatives - Star Wars or Bolt Action related terrain :)


Some general trap assets would be awesome!


Modern and sci fi assets would be welcome

Darren Tomalin

Statues of different sizes, creatures, modular statue parts so we can create our own poses etc, ruined statues are top of my wish list at moment - I desaturate your tokens at the moment and then add a texture but it's not the same lol!


Suggestion: Armor, and armored skeltons and bodies.


We have no plans on expanding into modern and sci-fi, our focus is Medieval Fantasy, that is more than enough to occupy us for years to come. If Sci-fi/Modern is what you are after, you wont find it here I'm afraid.


We have no plans on expanding into modern and sci-fi, our focus is Medieval Fantasy, that is more than enough to occupy us for years to come. If Sci-fi/Modern is what you are after, you wont find it here I'm afraid.


New thatch and other roof textures would have a huge impact on the visual impact of the game maps. C'mon guys - wake up!

Brannon Lagrone

For the ship assets, would it be possible to get ruined/shipwrecked versions of them? Could be cool


Desert stuff! We're going to Katapesh soon and that'll be so awesome!!


Dragons pleeeeeasssse 🙏🙏🙏


I think I've said this before but there are some huge gaps in certain token categories. Standard giants (stone, fire, cloud, storm, ettin), Standard elementals ( air, earth,fire, water). I can't seem to find decent top down tokens of these anywhere.

Gerard SERRE

J'aimerai bien des toitures de bois en mauvais état. Mais des toitures de chaume aussi (en divers état)


It would be nice to have some other room decor such as: trophies, suits of armor, monster skulls/bones (even whale/elephant or other large creature bones could be cool), specimen jars (or assets to build them), test tubes, beakers, colorable fire (for a fireplace, cook pit, campfire), colorable liquid (to fill a bucket, pot, or cauldron), etc. Any assets of this variety could be really useful for build out interesting scenes.


Any chance for ancient Greek style architecture and furniture pack?


I'm working on a desert homebrew at the moment and the lack of palm trees and cacti have been very noticable 😅 would love to see those added. I also see it's not doing well in the poll, but filling out kitchen maps without meat and cooked food has also been quite challenging (I've gotten creative with leather scraps lol). Thank you for the poll! Oh and if we're throwing out other items, I'm desperate for a large dragon statue!


Definitely we need Jungle stuff.


Would like to have fancy furniture and inlays that can be added or moved around to make fancy-looking furniture. Stuff meant for noble houses and palaces.


<p style="color: #008600;">I think that wilderness would be a great idea, besides there is a wide variety of it as you have already indicated, perhaps ficus, cypress as well, etc.</p>


Wouldn’t mind stuff that would make things look dirty - piles of dust, refuse, bones, rubbish piles, etc.


I definitely want to see more options for things outside the standard and universal. We have enough assets that anyone can make a Generic European Medieval Fantasy map, in a castle or a forest. But if you want to do something outside of that? Not so much. I for example really want to make some maps for a norse-themed setting. But there just aren't enough assets for it.


Your content is way too good FA. The choices you give are so difficult :D

Mark Castle

I have to echo the above comments. You guys provide awesome content for the sections you cover, but moving away from the well-worn paths tends, the pickings tend to be very thin. Really appreciate what you do provide, please understand that.


oh yes please more roof colors and texture ! ^^


We need Snow and Arctic stuff


Ship assets would be fantastic for my upcoming nautical campaign!


I'd love to have some shadow effects for stained glass windows. Trying to create the effect of light shining through my cathedral windows.


Hard as I really want thatched roofs as villages would look more authentic, but ships are a must.


I vote for all of them! I love everything you guys come out with. :)


sci fi and steampunk


I'd like to see some meat, dishes and this sort of foods. And there is also lack of entertainment assets - no chess, dice and there is too little of card assets. Also it would be nice if you will draw more townsfolk, guards and other crowd assets to fill maps.


Regarding townsfolk - it would be nice to see more enemy assets. There are too little of'em.


take a look at whitefoxworks, she got a lot of these in fitting artstyle to forgotten adventures, many for free


I would appreciate more Modern contents. Like Streets, modern Houses, interieurs and such. Would be Awesome for Cyberpunk, SciFi RPGs.

Polly E.

I know this post is old but I would like to see a farm pack with things you'd find in both modern, steampunk, and fantasy farm settings with all the fixings. (Especially would love to see all your farm animal tokens added along with the equine tokens and possibly even some pet/familiar type tokens in your dungeondraft packs.

Aliakai Gauch

I completely agree! I'd love more crop tokens and maybe even some "fantasy" crops, and things like fruit trees for orchards. Farms are the "starting encounter extraordinaire" but so few mapmaking software options include anything for them.