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Moar Dungeon Decor and a bit of destruction ^_^

You can find Broken glass shards and piles, as well as broken wall endings and Display Cases!

Total # of Assets in this pack: 1555!

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Website Link 

*Dungeondraft Disclaimer*

Converting Assets into Dungeondraft properly takes a bit of time, we have to upscale, make suitable assets colorable and also tag everything.

This means that this and all future asset releases will be included in our Dungeondraft Integration after couple of days, once everything is properly converted, tested and integrated!  You can check the changelog at the bottom of the Integration post.

There will also be an announcement on Discord as usual for the update & If you are an active Patron, you'll get an email notification about the Integration post being updated.




Those broken wall ends are just what I've been wanting to finish my set of geomorphic wilderness tiles. Nicely done!


I'm sorry, can someone explain to me how I get this asset to work? Downloading the file gives me images rather than a nice file to place in my Asset Folder. Is it included in the Dungeondrafr Integration already?

Ian McDonald

12.22.21 - "Is it included in the Dungeondrafr Integration already?" No, it will be added at, or just before, the end of the month like all other packs have been previously.


Thanks, I've been a patron here for a day, still learning how it all works.