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It’s finally happening… rubble !

Starting with piles of generic stone, wood and mix of both.

More individual pieces coming soon,  some destroyed furniture and some such after that!

Total # of Assets in this pack: 2150!

--------Download Links--------

Download Part 1 

Download Part 2 

Download Part 3 

Website Link 

*Dungeondraft Disclaimer*


Converting Assets into Dungeondraft properly takes a bit of time, we have to upscale, make suitable assets colorable and also tag everything.

This means that this and all future asset releases will be included in our Dungeondraft Integration after couple of days, once everything is properly converted, tested and integrated!

There will be an announcement on Discord as usual for the update & If you are an active Patron, you'll get an email notification about the Integration post being updated. 



Erlend Aakre

that is some SICK looking rubble dude! <3


Yes! Been excited for rubble and destroyed stuff for awhile! All my dungeons just look TOO clean right now! Can't wait to throw some debris around!

Alec Murphy

Been using your assets from Roll20 for forever, just joined your patreon and literally last night I was talking to my wife about how the only thing I felt was missing was rubble.


The lack of rubble was the only thing holding my maps back. This just made my whole damn week!


Damn, that's some good lookin rubble


Yesss can't wait for the broken furniture too!


Oh yes yes yes yes YES! Finally! <3 Thank you


This is getting SO close for me. I've been making geomorphic tiles using these assets (trying to pick up where Heroic Maps seems to have given up). This will help my dungeon tiles - what I'm really hoping for soon are damaged wall sections to make ruined town tiles (Mordheim/Frostgrave style).


Couldn’t agree more. This has always been the missing link. Hopefully more will be coming soon.


This couldn't have come at a better time. I was just sitting in Dungeondraft, wondering why there were so little broken things. Glad this is now coming ^.^

Ian McDonald

I understand that it's really not your thing... but modern(?) steel beams, concrete and rebar bubble or just stone rubble sans wood, would be very much appreciated.