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We do one of these every couple of months to catch-up a little bit before the tokens pile up even more ^^

Spooky month seemed like a good timing :D

This pack contains all tokens from “Creature Tokens – Pack 10, Pack 11, Pack 12, Pack 13 in Spirit Forms.

All in 4 Color Variants as usual (Blue, Green, Purple, White).

Total # of tokens in this pack: 236!

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Love the tokens! Any reason why the naming convention changed? All my past creature spirit packs are "Creature_Spirits_00", this one is "Spirit_Tokens_07". Maybe I missed an update where you were changing the naming conventions for the tokens? Changing the naming convention makes it difficult at a glance to know if I have all the latest tokens packs.


Ah, thanks, I found the post. So new packs will use the new naming structure, but old packs won't be re-named, right?


For now, we want to do some more fixes and restructuring for the tokens, since majority of the changes were only applied to our Assets gallery. One we get to the tokens we will most likely have a one bundle with the new structure implemented. For now all the Token Bundles on the website have been updated with new file strucutre.

Gerard SERRE

Super....... bravo........


MORE TOKENS!! Yay. That said, I think i'll have to make some ghostly side quests so I can actually use all these spirit tokens!


I love the look of your tokens and terrain! These Spirit packs are a great idea. Have you ever done or considered doing variant tokens using your stone textures to represent statues/animated statues/alternate stone golems/petrified creatures?