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Moar decor!

You know the drill by now, right? :D We are trying to fill some gaps in our library and also update the “Old” assets, bringing them up to our new standards ^_^

We finally have some new Statues for you!
Covering the basics first, such as various Hooded figures, couple of Knights & Mages, Basic Shapes and also Bases.

All available in 8 different variants,  Black & White Marble, Gold, Bronze, Silver and our 3 Stone colors. 

Hope you guys like these~ ^_^

Total # of Assets in this pack: 312!

--------Download Links--------


Website Link

*Dungeondraft Disclaimer*

Converting Assets into Dungeondraft properly takes a bit of time, we have upscale, make suitable assets colorable and also tag everything.
This means that this and all future asset releases will be included in our Dungeondraft Integration after couple of days, once everything is properly converted, tested and integrated!
