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More assets to decorate your caves, mines and other underground places ^_^

This one contains Crystals and Geodes in various types and shapes!

Total # of Assets in this pack: 2,561 !

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Patreon Download  

Website Link/Download 




2561 items? Woah!


Hi! Great job! A question: is it available as dungeondraft pack? If yes, how can I import it?


https://www.forgotten-adventures.net/info/#faq Q: Why is this new Asset pack not available for Dungeondraft yet? Will it be available? A: Because it came out couple hours ago and we didn’t have a chance to convert it yet. Yes, when we are done with the conversion.

Carey Burns

Are you still planning to convert for Dungeon Painter and if so are you only converting for DPS2?

Carey Burns

Looks like I might be getting Dungeon Draft then lol. I had the same issues though tbh. Thank you!

John Forrest

You guys are amazing! I just started a crystal-based campaign that depends on certain colours and have been scraping the bottom of the barrel for artwork and you come along with this!


How do I go about adding all your assets into Dungeondraft? Is there a tutorial post I'm missin?


if only you would read the FAQ or.... couple of comments above you ...


Another epic pack, you guys are badass!


This was an EXCELLENT addition. I am running a Star Wars campaign with TONS of kyber crystals for Lightsaber creation. Excellent!


These are awesome!!! Newbie Question: I just became a patron and added the 13 core packs recommended for DD integration. Are the assets in packs like this and the Death/Decay pack already in those downloads, or do I need to get these packs too?


All the assets are in the integration. These are standalone PNG files meant to be used for other software ( like clip studio/photoshop/roll20 etc)