Creature Tokens - Pack 12 (Patreon)
Since there is an increasing number of Large, Huge and Gargantuan creatures that we need to draw for our SRD Token Packs, we had to figure out how to handle the "Value vs Work Required" for the packs.
Because drawing a Medium creature =/= drawing a creature that's Large and up. Obviously Larger creatures take a lot longer since there is just much more surface to detail, shade etc.
This is how we are sort of looking at the Token Packs and their "Value" - Base on our previous pack releases the average "Value" is somewhere around 12 so the packs will be roughly adhering to these numbers from now on:
Token Pack "Value" = 12
Creature Size "Value":
Medium - 1
Medium+ - 1.5
Large - 2
Large+ - 2.5
Huge - 3
Gargantuan - 4+
Token Pack Examples:
2 Large Creatures (4) + 8 Medium Creatures (8)
4 Large Creatures (8) + 4 Medium Creatures (4)
1 Huge Creature (3) + 2 Large Creatures (4) + 5 Medium Creatures (5)
Hope this sounds fair ^_^
All tokens are in PNG format and DOUBLE our usual resolution (400dpi) just in case you need a bigger version (for example Enlarge spell) you wont lose any detail :)
This pack contains 9 new Creature Tokens + 1 Updated token ( Ghast ), each with multiple color variants:
CR 1/2:
- Gnoll Hunter - Medium Humanoid (Non-SRD)
CR 1:
- Harpy - Medium Monstrosity
- Imp - Tiny Fiend
- Spy - Medium Humanoid
CR 2:
- Gelatinous Cube - LargePLUS Ooze
- Ghast - Medium Undead
- Gibbering Mouther - Medium Aberration
- Sea Hag - Medium Fey
CR 3:
- Nightmare - Large Fiend
CR 5:
- Unicorn - Large Celestial
*LargePLUS means that the token is classified as "Large" creature - 2x2 on a grid, however the art exceeds that border so the token is exported as 4x4 instead (so the 2x2 stays in the middle)