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Hey guys!  We heard a lot of you asking for tutorials and such - so I finally sat down and dedicated some time to make something :D

I didn't want it to just be half assed or not detailed enough so I've been working on this guide for over a month now... Trying to make it as best I could.

Even tho it took forever, I have to say that I'm very pleased with how it turned out!

With this Styleguide I wanted to showcase my (Stryxin) process of creating assets from start to finish. Hopefully to make it easier for people that would like to create their own assets matching our style.

We use the art software Clip Studio Paint (CSP) for all of our drawings – therefore this Styleguide is made in and for CSP.  To follow it effectively you should already be familiar with the basics of CSP (check out pins in our #help channel on Discord) as this guide will reference tools, layer masking, layer clipping, brush settings etc.

I’m also using a graphics tablet for all my drawing, so if you only have a mouse, some of these methods won’t work properly for you as they require pressure sensitivity.

This styleguide is NOT the “Only Way”, the “Right Way” or most likely not even the most optimal way to to do things, it’s simply to show what my (Stryxin) workflow looks like and how I produce FA content.

This is a First part of the Styleguide focusing on some Basics and Creating Assets, we plan on expanding it in the future with Tokens and Battlemaps sections.

The full, written, Styleguide is available on our website:


And it's also available as  Google Doc - which is sort of a "Live" version of the guide.
If you would like to give us some feedback, you can comment directly in the document! 

The guide also includes a "FA Styleguide Assets Package"
This package has all the tools and resources mentioned in the guide that you’ll need to follow “Creating an Asset” section:

  • Premade Material Textures (Wood, Metal, Rock & Marble)
  • CSP Brushes used in this guide
  • FA Autoaction Set v3.0 for CSP
  • CSP File – containing all the assets showcased in “Creating an Asset” section + some additional ones so you can look at layers, take them apart and study them if you wish.

Download “FA Styleguide Assets Package”

In that section we will create all these Assets – Bedroll, Backpack, Coffin & Palm Leaves – Step by Step.  

You can also watch a Video showcasing the whole process from start to finish


I'm very excited to present this to you guys, so I hope you'll like it and that it'll inspire you to try and make some stuff on your own!  Please let me know what you think and if you would like to see more "Tutorials" and "Guides" in the future :)




Bethany Golden

You're so good to us 😭😭😭


Thanks for this! It's perfect!

Jeff Slocum

I am very interested in trying to create my own assets but after seeing yours I am sure they will not be nearly as good. Thank you for everything you do to allow us to make maps easily!!