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Hello everyone!  

As most of you know, we recently released our full Dungeondraft Integration (Patron only).

This integration aims to completely replace the default Artstyle of Dungeondraft with our own.

This starter pack is for everyone that wants to test it out for themselves for free first before pledging, it contains a little bit of everything so you can test out couple of walls, paths, floors, terrain textures and objects ^_^  

To get you an idea what you can do with all of our packs, I've made 4 example maps completely from start to finish in Dungeondraft.

I've recorded creation of these maps so you can see the whole process even without installing Dungeondraft. 


Also we have some copies of Dungeondraft to give away so stay tuned on Discord & Twitter for the announcement or check out https://www.forgotten-adventures.net/giveaways/  later today!

 -------- Download Links -------- 

 FA - Starter Pack v2.0 (Updated 22.01.2021)   


Patreon Only - Dungeondraft Integration Complete Gallery




Awesome!! I really like the new integration!


Providing free testing is a really great idea, so at least anyone can explore it all for themselves. It's cool!

Nix & Checkers

Using this has been a ton of fun and it really adds practical usable value to both Dungeondraft and your token sets. Really love the new options for walls in particular. It's a small thing but has a big impact imo.

Saga Malmberg

Yup, providing this was a great idea. I mean... I downloaded the free sample 2 hours ago... and I just became a Patreon so I could get the rest of the stuff. :P Thanks for giving us a sample to help us decide! :D


Same here: I tested the free pack first, was convinced that this is quality stuff, and thus now ended up here to get the full package :)


Me also


This makes it so fun to work with Dungeondraft! Great stuff!


Awwwww - I liked the Chain Wench.


Question for you. In the video, it seems like you put up some sort of shadow walls in dungeondraft. That seems AMAZING. How do you do that? I'd love a tutorial video just for that.


Just pick any wall, and in the color picker drop the Alpha (opacity/transparency) slider to 0 making it invisible but still blocking light.


Hi, just little confused, I love you work, but not sure with I have to download to have complete set of assets for dungeondraft? from here or from your website: https://www.forgotten-adventures.net/product-category/map-making/? Those looks great but they not Dungeondraft assets, or maybe from there https://www.patreon.com/posts/dungeondraft-30-39627309 and I will have all of them?