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Hey there everyone!  Just wanted to thank you all for your amazing support and give you a bit of an update/news of what's happening this month ^^ 

May Releases (nothing set in stone, everything is subject to change):

We have new Arcane Table Clutter in the works, that should be coming out pretty soon, here is a bit of taste from that :)

Next we will have a Updated Modular Cave Tiles, they'll based off of the most recent battlemap, so something like this:

After that, we will continue working on more Tokens so  Creature Tokens - Pack 09, and focus now is on SRD creatures, this pack will include for example:

Ape, Black/Brown/Polar Bear, Crocodile, Giant Goat, Reef Shark, Warhorse, Smoke/?Mud/Dust/Ice/Magma Mephits & More.

I'll start working on that this week, so expect some snippets in the #Feedback on discord ^^

FA Mapmaking Contest update:  Theme for May will be officially announced on Monday (4th of May),  but for those who actually read this stuff here is a hint - opposite of what it was in April - if you wanna get a head start ;)


In addition to the Contest, we are prepping some juicy Giveaways for you guys that should start this month!  They'll probably for a bunch of random stuff like Software License Keys (CSP, Foundry), TTRPG Books, Video Game Keys some PC/Drawing Hardware, we will see what kind of stuff we can get our hands on :) They'll  be done through gleam.io platform that you've probably seen here and there on the internet, something like this:

 and if it's popular we will try to do it somewhat regularly :)

We are "Hiring"?

I said multiple times in the past that I would love to expand FA as much as possible and we are at a point where we would like to welcome someone new into our team :) More official announcement is coming sometimes soon-ish, once we figure out how we want to present it :D    We are mainly looking for an artist that can match our Art-style and that could help out with Asset/Token/Battlemap creation :)  

So in case you think you are up for the challange or you know someone that might be interested, contact me at  Stryxin@forgotten-adventures.net  and we can talk! ^^

Next Asset Pack(s), Your choice!

And one last thing, I'm not sure what should I focus on next in terms of assets, so that's where You guys and the Poll comes in!

Please decide for me :D  you can choose multiple options :) 

And please let us know what you think about all of this as well, either on Discord or here in the comments! 

Thank you!



Is that a bit of Skyrim influence I'm seeing in that Arcane Table Clutter? I can spot at minimum Taproot, Deathbell, Fly Amanita and Imp Stool. That's awesome.


I would dearly love to see you cover the traps angle

Andre Böttcher

Fan Service par excellence. I support some artists, but you are unique. When I think about the joy your work gives my players, I can't thank you enough. And now you want to expand your team to increase the amount of joy. Thanks a lot for this !!


That's nice to hear ☺️ hopefully we can find someone who will fit into our ranks so we can bring you guys even more content :)

Martin Rimmen

All the packs I want are ahead in the polls. Everything is turning out great.


Animals out the wazoo...I'm trying to be patient and wait for more interesting monsters!


I got a fever and the only prescription is more dinosaurs!


My campaign is currently an expedition with dozens of carts and wagons. I NEED that pack!


Only just discovered you, but I'm definitely a huge fan and instantly became a supporter. Apologies if this has been asked before, but any plans/interest in supporting hex grids for tiles?