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The Tavern Cellar connects directly to a underground fight club led by the organization owning the tavern above, they drag in unconscious drunks or some other poor souls from the streets to fight to the death, winner gets his freedom back! (or does he?)

Meanwhile corrupted nobles and politicians are secretly gathering here to bet on the matches.

If you need a hideout for a thief's guild or any other corrupt organization, this might be a good fit!   ^^


Download - Underground Fight Club 26x20.zip 

Download - Underground Fight Club 26x20 - PDFs.zip 

Download - Underground Fight Club 26x20 - Free - 100dpi.zip 



David Geary

If you print this on 100%-poster at 26x20, what's the grid scale? Is it meant to be a 5 foot grid? or is it 2x2 grid squares are 5x5?


PDFs are sized correctly at 100%, but the texture used for the ground floor is basically 4 small squares = 5x5 feet, if you look at the Entrance stairs on the right side of the map, you can see the proper grid square.

David Geary

That's what I was thinking it was. I absolutely love this man set with the city tavern and fight club and all.


Amazing, this is one of the best type of maps. Can be used on its own, but fits in with a previous map. Thank you.


It would be cool if you'd release some basic structures, for us to fill on the fly :D


Here you will find the scene import file for Foundry VTT for this map. https://1drv.ms/u/s!Anrzn4cWuK5dcd7kkC53lXbc3vg?e=8NYmeJ