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Heyo guys ^^

We have another battlemap for you, this time something slightly different :)) 

A caravan on a winter road was ambushed!

As you can see there is one person chopped to pieces and frozen solid posted as a warning  in front of a path leading off the site.  

What exactly happened here? Was the ambush led by a Frost Wizard, some kind of Ice Elemental or a Winter Witch?  That's up to you! ^^

Hope you'll find a place for this map in your campaign :)

The carts and corpses will be included as standalone assets in an upcoming pack, 


Download - Winter Ambush Site 25x22.zip 

Download - Winter Ambush Site 25x22 - PDFs.zip

Download - Winter Ambush Site 25x22 - Free - 100dpi.zip




Here you will find the scene import file for Foundry VTT for this map. https://1drv.ms/u/s!Anrzn4cWuK5dcd7kkC53lXbc3vg?e=8NYmeJ


Hello, I know this is a long time ago but you wouldn't happen to have the assets for your busted carriage would you? I'm trying to make a battle map where a blacksmith was attack on his route back with supplies and the party is charged to investigate