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Hello everyone! ^^

I'm getting more and more requests for CSP tutorials lately, but I'm not sure how many of you are actually using Clip Studio.

I would like to see what the general interest is, because If I'm going to make them, I want to make them properly, meaning writing a script, have some kind of structure and proper editing so it's not just a 20 minutes of messy footage with me babbling nonsense :D

So we would make a clip studio tutorial series, starting with the basics of CSP, tools, brushes etc.  and then move from there based on what you want to see.

But obviously doing it properly means it's a little bit more time consuming than just filming in one take and upload... so the Tutorials would have to be a Patreon Release to justify the time put into it.

It would be another release on top of the usual schedule, so it's not going to replace something else.

So this poll is a simple Yes / No question if I should jump into it :) 



Definitely... YES!


I grabbed the 30 day trial of Clip Studio and am liking it so far. I'll likely make the full purchase when it expires. The videos you have done so far have been very helpful. I've been making maps for Lost Mines of Phandelver (the ones that aren't included in the module)!

Foundry Virtual Tabletop

If it were really on top of everything else, I would vote yes -- but that seems unrealistic so I'm voting no. Making good instructional videos definitely takes time, so if you make this part of your package you'll need to add some slack to timelines on tokens or map assets I think.


Just snagged a low end drawing tablet that comes with a copy of CSP for map making, so it would be awesome to learn a few things from an accomplished user.


I would focus on what you can bring to Clip studio and leave basic CP videos alone. Anyone can spend time watching those. I'd like to see your technique and I'm fine with babbling. You'd be surprised how educational babbling can be to an outsider.

Mark E Manning

I am saying YES - but in a limited way. These kinds of things can just take over. So "yes" but with reservations.


I am for this, but only for aspects of CSP that pertain to what we do. To showcase some of these elements, you do not need long videos, and 1 short vid a month would work just fine for me.


Wacom Intuos - just a small cheap one to see if I like it, and a chance to try out CSP


Maybe poll for some topics and make shorter videos instead of longer ones. But yeah i'd just watch a video of you making a battle map just commenting as you go.