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 Greetings everyone! ^^

We continue our mission to bring you free tokens for every official creature :) 

First batch of CR 1/8 is here!

All tokens are in PNG format and DOUBLE my usual resolution (400dpi) just in case you need a bigger version (for example Enlarge spell) you wont lose any detail :)

This Free pack contains 13 CR 1/8 Creatures:

  • Camel 
  • Dolphin
  • Flumph
  • Flying Snake
  • Giant Crab
  • Mastiff + Armored Mastiff
  • Mule + Donkey
  • Neogi Hatchling
  • Poisonous Snake
  • Pony + Armored Pony

+ Draft Horse (CR 1/4)

Multiple Variations for each token for a total of 72 Unique Tokens ^^

Next batch will contain all the rest CR 1/8 creatures :)

Download - Creature Tokens Pack 3.zip 

Download - Creature Tokens Pack 3 - Free.zip 




Fantastic, I was just looking for horses and ponies for my campaign.


Looking good! Will you update with base/baseless variants?


We have decided to not do the bases anymore, cuz after the poll in the Discord it was pretty obvious that vast majority uses baseless versions anyway and it took basically double the time to export both baseless and base tokens. so the Base will be included only in the tokens that go "over the bounds", where the space they occupy is smaller than the actual token art, like with the flying birds for example.


Ok cool, for all I know it could have been the reverse. I need to get on that Discord soon...


It's seems the link is broken for this pack.