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If you are interested in selling products that are created with FA assets, you are going to need our Commercial License.

Commercial License allows you to use all of FA content in commercial products - Number of products you are allowed to sell/publish depends on your monthly cap/limit of the Merchant Tier.

If someone asks you to make them a map for personal use as a commission using our assets, that means you are technically selling it and you would need a commercial license, however there is basically no way for us to police that sort of thing, so it’s up to you and your conscience :)

How to obtain the license: 

Detailed info about the License:

  • The License becomes valid from the point when your pledge goes through the Patreon system - when we receive the first payment (at the end of the month/start of the next month), for the duration of the following month.
  • Number of allowed Products per month depends on your "Monthly Cap/Limit":

                              * 1 Times a month ($20) = 4 Products
                             * 2 Times a month ($40) = 8 Products
                             * 3+ Times a month ($60) = 12 Products

  • If you later decide to move down to a lower tier, or cancel your subscription,  your use of the assets reverts back to noncommercial purposes for additional products.  You still have the rights to sell Products that were published during the period you had a Valid license as explained above, but you can no longer publish more.
  • The License allows you to use all of FA content in commercial products.
  • The License doesn't cover Content made by other creators from collaborations released on our Patreon or community created content released on our Discord!
  • Any FA content used for commercial purposes must be part of a greater product/publication/adventure module/one shot etc. , You can't just repack and sell the content!
  • You can  remix, transform, edit, and build upon the material.
  • The License is NOT TRANSFERABLE - If someone would like to commission you for a map that’s gonna be used in a commercial product they would need a separate license on their own as well.
  • Credit Requirement still applies even for Commercial License!
    You are required to credit us (Forgotten Adventures) and link to our Website ( https://www.forgotten-adventures.net/ ) in your publication.

Detailed info about "Products":

Simply put, a "product" is anything that has a price tag and is sold.

  • 1 battlemap sold separately = 1 product
  • Pack of multiple maps bundled together = 1 product

Number of allowed products per month do not roll over, meaning you can't post more products in a single month if you didn't post any in the previous 2 months. It's a fixed 4/8/12 a month based on the cap.

Product limits are there to prevent people from pledging for a month, releasing 60 products at once and deleting the pledge immediately after. We believe that 4 products a month for $20 is a reasonable number.

Commercial License and "Per Creation" Patreon:

Patreon "Per creation" model:    1 paid Patron only post/release = 1 product 

Commercial License and "Monthly" Patreon: 

Monthly Patreon Pages are counted as 1 Product!  

However, if you are also selling separately on other platforms (DMsGuild etc.) that is counted separately. So your Monthly Patreon Page as a whole is 1 "Product" - and selling three packs on e.g. DMsGuild brings you up to 4.


You become a Merchant Patron with a limit of 2 times a month ($40) sometime during August and you Register the license on our website. The payment goes through on the 2nd of September & your license becomes valid from the 2nd of September until the end of the month.

You can publish 8 products for sale during September since your cap/maximum is set to 2x ($40.)

If you stay pledged on a Merchant level (2x), your license extends for the next month for additional 8 products for as long as you stay a Merchant Patron.

Inappropriate-Content Policy: 

Please don't use our content to promote any hateful or disrespectful causes.
We reserve the right to take down any content that we deem inappropriate. 

Fan-Content Policy - When you don't need the license:

If you make content with FA assets that you are sharing for FREE - You can accept Donations without the need of the Commercial License!  

Including Patreon or Pay What You Want model on DriveThruRPG for example.

Only caveat is that the maps have to be free and accessible to the public, nothing behind a paywall, no exceptions (variants/gridless etc. behind a paywall for example) - Also proper credit is required in all instances.

This also includes Streaming and Prerecorded Video ( Twitch, YouTube etc.) as long as the videos themselves are not behind a paywall. Credit is still required - either with text on the screen or mentioned during the video + link to the website in the description.

How to properly Credit:

If you are sharing content made with FA assets, You are required to credit us (Forgotten Adventures) and link to our Website ( https://www.forgotten-adventures.net/ ) in your publication.   

Proper credit should look something like this:   
"This Map was created using the Assets from Forgotten Adventures"
"Assets used to create this map are from Forgotten Adventures"

 * Credit doesn't have to be directly on the map itself. If it's a single map shared on reddit or somewhere else - Credit in comments or in the description will suffice.

* For Streaming/Video Content - either in text form on the screen or mentioned during the video + link to the website in the description.

* For Adventures and such - in "credits" section and/or under/next to the map

If you have any questions please feel free to comment below and we will do our best to answer you asap ^_^ 



So I have been considering making a Patreon for Fantasy Grounds 5e material, which would be subscription based, and I use a lot of your stuff when making my maps. Do I need the commercial license for that?


Hi, I would like two clarifications. 1. Suppose I create content (such as an adventure) referencing maps that use FA assets. I publish this content on DMsGuild asking for a payment in exchange (for example $ 2.99) but the maps are separate and free attachments. Do I still have to pay for the license? 2. Suppose I create content (for example an adventure) that includes maps created with FA assets. I pay the $ 20.00 license and therefore have the right to publish up to 4 products. But do I have to pay this fee every month or is it a one-shot payment? I know I may seem dazed to you, but I want to make sure I understand.


1. If the maps are separate, and people can access them for free - before actually buying the adventure - so they are in the description of the product for example or something like that. Then you technically don't need the license. Just has to be clear that they are free and where they can get them. 2. Not sure I entirely understand the question? But If I understand it correctly, it's one-shot payment. For example you sign up now (December 2020) for $20.00, you get charged on January 2nd, You can release 4 products in January. You don't pay for those releases again. If you don't have any more products that you want to release in the next month, you can cancel/downgrade your tier. If you stay pledged for $20 you can release additional 4 products in February. Hope that answers your questions ^_^


I thank you for your timely answers. I intend to release some products on the DMsGuid, mostly in PWYW mode and among them is an adventure. If it were to succeed, I thought I'd post the follow-up to the paid campaign. I want to make sure I don't commit any infractions. So thank you for your clarity.


I understand what rights I get for what subscription level. The one thing I'd like to clarify is that I only pay ONCE per month at the merchant level - is that correct? For example, I'm interested at pledging at the $20 minimum Merchant level. That enables me to release 4 products that I charge for which contain map assets from yourselves. I need to list appropriate credit as well. What I want to check is, regardless of how many releases you guys put out, I only pay $20 a month. Is that correct?


Hey there! When you click on join, before you confirm, there is a "Monthly Limit" you can set of how many times per month you want to be charged the chosen amount ($20 in case of the Merchant tier) If this limit is set to 1, you'll be charged once a month for your chosen amount ($20) regardless of how many releases we have.


Imagine I write an adventure that is an escape from a dungeon, and I want to publish it for a VTT like Roll20. I understand that the map I created definitely constitutes a derived work, but can I also include tokens for the monsters that populate the dungeon? Or is that "repackaging"?


You may use the Tokens as part of Adventures and Modules. Just within reason. e.g. Don't package 20 tokens with a single map. If you are not sure about a particular use case, please contact us on Discord.

Steve Mulhern

Question: I will use Forgotten Adventures maps, and generate maps based on FA assets for a Homebrew campaign which I will charge players for. Is this considered Commercial, as there will be compensation for my time?

Michael Chester

How are you defining "software product" here? Would a map pack for Foundry VTT, with some additional automation (e.g. macro triggers on certain spots) added on the maps, be considered a "software product"? How about a Foundry module designed to allow dungeon tiles to be used more effectively, which also ships with some tiles made from FA assets as examples?


No, modules for foundry are not considered software for the purposes of this license, Software Integration is to cover VTTs, Mapmaking programs, Video Games, Token editors etc.

Michael Chester

Cheers - I'm happy that that's the decision, but the license probably wants some wording to make that clear (e.g. specify "standalone software", or provide an explcit note that the merchant tier license still applies to modules for VTTs)


So I just want to be ENTIRELY clear before I use your gorgeous assets. (As a writer/artist I fully understand your need to make at least SOME money on your hard work, as well as to get credit.) I'm a self-published author, and honestly, I suck at marketing, so while I DO charge for my books, I'm not presently making anything remotely like a profit. At the moment my plan is to write A SINGLE adventure (In which my own custom assets I'm building will also be available-not that this matters for the present question) and offer it...somewhere (I haven't decided on the best venue for this yet, but probably DMsGuild) and yes, for pay. I would probably offer a few shorter adventures for free. As I understand it, I sign up for a commercial /Merchant license, pay $20 for that month. Then I can go back to my present $2 month after that. IF I decide to publish a second paid adventure (probably not for several months after at very least), I once again go to Merchant level for the next month? Have I got that part right? Then where it really gets confusing - if I decide I want to ALSO get a Patreon page (I sure don't have one yet!) and offer adventure #1 there, I have to again sign up for another license. AND if I decide to offer it on Amazon or Scribd or Smashwords that would be a third/fourth/fifth license. And if I took the time to figure out how to upload my adventure to Foundry or Roll20, that's 2 more licenses? AND if I ever got myself around to finishing my own website and marketing there, that would be yet another license? is all that right? Yes, from what you say, I think I could do at least some of these with a 1x month = 4 products, but honestly the TIMING on publishing all of that in one month on those different venues is the big challenge. Also IF my (thus far non-existent, but eventually planned) YouTube channel ever gets monetized, does that then need another Merchant Tier license, and when does that take effect? I love your assets. They're so much lovelier than what DungeonDraft presently offers, They also mesh with my own asset style far better! At the same time, I'm wary of building with your assets just because of the eventual Merchant cost, but taking time to make my own assets to replace yours seems silly, when I can instead focus on the items that are needed for my particular adventure, which thus far nobody creates. Don't get me wrong - I think your work is worth every penny. At the same time I'm not in a financial bracket where I can just afford to go on for $20/month for an extended period of time. So please do clarify and let me know if I'm understanding this correctly, so I can plan how to go about timing this all in the future. Thanks and blessings, Lion

Michael Gasser

I love you assets and tokens and have enjoyed learning to create maps with your fabulous clip studio brushes. I was wondering if the monthly allotment stacks month to month. I have not started putting together commercial content but I can see possibly creating hundreds of modules over time. I may get to the point were I could conceivable release modules chunks at a time. If there are months when I pay for the commercial license but do not release 4, 8, or 12 products do these possible products acrue? Does 5 months of 4 per month commercial tier mean I can release 20 products at anytime or does it mean if I release 0 products in those 5 months I am out of luck?

Michael Gasser

I guess one way to self manage is to ensure I only do the commercial license on months where I have 4 commercial products ready to release. This would, however, be a pain.


That information is already in the license, copied directly from the license: Number of allowed products per month do not roll over, meaning you can't post more products in a single month if you didn't post any in the previous 2 months. It's a fixed 4/8/12 a month based on the cap.


Yes, you can release something and then downgrade, and upgrade again for a second release later. For the "rerelease on other platforms later" question, if it's the same product, you can release it later on other platforms without resubscribing - apart from "Monthly Patreon" which in an of itself counts as a product which requires continuous commercial license as long as it's active. Prerocorded video ( e.g Youtube) and also Streaming, even monetized are under Fan-Content policy, unless the youtube videos are behind a paywall. Also, all this applies for now, but the license is monthly, so we may do some adjustments and changes later.


This is SO confusing! You say: "if it's the same product, you can release it later on other platforms without resubscribing - apart from "Monthly Patreon" which in an of itself counts as a product which requires continuous commercial license as long as it's active. " What does that MEAN? Lets say for instance, YES, it's the same product. Several months ago I released it on DMsGuild and Smashwords and Amazon. I upgraded for that month from my normal $2 to $20, then downgraded next month. THIS month I am FINALLY getting around to finishing my darned website and I'm going to have a download so folks can buy the silly adventure right from my website. (Same adventure I published a few months back.) Probably nobody will ever SEE my website, but in due diligence I publish it there anyway, to sell via a paypal link just in case. SO do I upgrade to $20 for this month? Or is that grandfathered in?


Again I humbly apologize. "you can't post more products in a single month if you didn't post any in the previous 2 months" Sooo??? does that mean that I have to wait at least two months between releasing new products? (Most likely not a problem, but I just want to make sure.)


We have currently unlisted the Merchant tier as we are reworking our copyright, fan-content and commercial licenses, please stand by for updates, thank you 😊


So I'm just making sure I have this right, a monthly patreon requires one lisence that is paid for once, and it covers the patreon for just one product lisence paid once right?


We are currently not accepting new commercial use requests. As we are in a process of updating our licenses. Merchant tier has been delisted. If you are interested in commercial use, you'll have to wait for new licenses to become available (no ETA at this moment, keep an eye out for announcements, we will post an update once we have more information.)