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|| - Hello And Welcome To Olymperiel’s/The Coven Official Patreon.

|| - Thank You To all supreme practitioners, witches, Wizards, warlocks, sorcerers for showing presence To us. Bless You all.

|| - Today/Tonight I, Henry desire To share this with all of You guys, when I/we Was/were doing our daily Spirit binding orders for our customers, a Fallen Angel came To us To share with us Words That will summon Him at the side of the one who will say it. He told us that he was a past light angel that rebelled against the divine orders, he was serving the defense of the Almighty, he decided to renounce all divine fates, Lucifer itself welcomed him in his rank in exchange of promising to him eternal devotion. After telling us his story ( Through Direct communicative possession ), he told us that he is one with the beautiful places of the infernal, and he shared to us words of the faith of his spirit, To allow us To call on his great Fallen Angel Defenses/Protection when needed.

|| - I, Henry decided To share it with you guys, I believe that is why he came To us as well, To make us share the infernal works as much as possible and that chat I am going To do. Here are the transmitted words ( We also attached a portal to the infernal world Through these to strengthen the powers of it ) The Fallen Angel Was Talking At First In Angelic Language, One of our Coven member By chance took a recording device and recorded the words when we asked for French Translation To The Fallen Angel. Then We Translated the words in english and latin to make sure that you all understand, I Henry Prefer Latin Always As Most Angelic Spirit Resonate With This Language Quite A Lot :

|| - In Latin :

“ Septimusque omnibus umeris defensionibus exitium cecini. Tempus erat irae deorum in unumquemque incidere, ac tum tum intelligebant Murum magnum esse ac semper adesse ad me tuendum ac defendendum. ”

|| - The Translation in english :

“ And the seventh sang destruction on all the shoulders of their defenses. The Wrath of the gods then had time to fall on each of them, and it was then that they could understand that the Great Wall is and will always be present to protect and defend me. ”

|| - I personally find it to be intriguing that the fallen angel refers to the number 7 within the words, this number has always been meaning apocalyptic success to me, Henry. We later invoked him Through a ouija session and asked him why did he said to us these words, he basically answered that these words was the Last words that he answered to the highest ones before rebeliating. He answer also answered that Many angels and great destruction became dead complementally. More 32 986 Defenses and divine walls was destroyed in the divine just after that he said these divinely rebelling words to the highest ones. This is why you have to be careful While saying these words, remain calm and confident when saying them because thousands of things can be destroyed by just these. This is also An Armagedon of Fallen Angel protection and defenses magick that you should keep to defend you always.

|| - Preferably say it in the daytime as much as wanted darling.

|| - Likes, comments and contact us of you have anymore questions about this.

|| - Hugh Regards, Olymperiel’s/Olymperoth’s/The Coven Teams !




So beautiful ❤️🌷


Thank you for your teaching they are divine truth 💙🖤


Thank you also to you love, and you’re welcome ! 🥰🐬🤍💖✨🕯️⚖️🥂🌝♾️