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The Doorway, Part 2: Sorry, guys. We had a file corruption issue on this recording. I cut out the beginning, and it seems to have solved the issue. Sorry for the delay!



I find it interesting that your initial assumption after seeing the affair is "That explains why Don's friends with the guy". I don't remember if it's ever said but I always assumed that they met as couple-friends first, as neighbors, and eventually Don couldn't help himself


That's more likely. He just has sociopathic tendencies, it's really hard to know why he does what he does.

Stephanie Bedworth

I know I'm a little late to the party on this but I did want to chime in on Don's affairs. He seems to be similar to a lot of people I've seen. It's like he's walking around with a big hole inside him and he's constantly needing something to fill it and women do that for him, for a time. I remember a scene with him and I think Pete where Don said something about if he'd married Megan first, then he wouldn't have done the things he did, but we see now that that isn't true. None of the things he did had anything to do with Betty, or now, Megan. Eventually every single woman he's with is going to fail to give him the constant validation he needs. No normal person can keep up with something like that, indefinitely. Not like they do in the beginning. Remember when he broke up with Faye, she told him that he only likes the beginnings of things, and I think that's very true.


He does and it's hard to have empathy for someone like that. I get that he has been hurting his whole life. He is in pain and all he does is bring pain to the people around him too