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How to Chew Quietly and Influence People



We got episodes 5 and 6 together so we didn’t have to wait after that ending but i already knew lol. I found Midge and Susie to be so childish at the wedding. Liked the Midge and Shy scene though. And Rose at this point is just… extremely frustrating. Abe isn’t much better. Not a standout ep for me but better than last week’s. Excited as we inch toward the finale.


I'm excited too and I feel like while things are stagnant. This is still an important season for character arcs.


The reveal of that room of execs (the white guys who look good on paper, as Reggie said) explaining that every person Shy was close to is gone is such a gut punch. You can kind of see Midge's face like, oh fuck, I just told a guy with no friends, who once really trusted me, that I also was never his friend. And you're onto something about the tradeoffs, remember Shy saying last season that he didn't know who he'd be if he wasn't * Shy Baldwin *. He feels like he has no choice but to sacrifice everything else to keep being that, while we're following Midge who is not having an easy go of things, for sure, but who is using her own name throughout.


It's so interesting and if I have any gripe with this season, it's that I wanna see more of that. Oh well, we have one more season to go and we can't wait!