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Signal 30


Mad Men, Season 5, Episode 5

Signal 30



RE did Meagan know about Don/Faye: go back to the last season theres a handful of scenes where its clear that there’s a kind of territorial tension between Faye and Meagan. Also, the little writing detail to have Don say “Whitman” at the table when they’re talking about the mass shooter, who shares his real name. A small piece of acting from both Meagan and Don reacting to that name.


S4 is the season that I wanna rewatch the most. This reveal at the end was incredible and how they planned it was amazing.

John Vaclev

Great comments about the episode and its themes. I think a particularly great touch is how they show that even if you succeed at being "the man", it's meaningless. Lane wins the fight and walks off with a one-liner, but is just as confused and lost as he was before. Roger got to be the cool guy who got the client laid, but ends up losing the account and going back to his miserable life. And of course, as Pete touches on, Don Draper succeeded in hooking up with many beautiful, classy women, but it ended up blowing up his marriage and life. The bit with "Handsome" ties it together beautifully - the whole macho obsession is just grown men trying to live out their fantasy of being the most popular boy in school. It's hollow and pathetic. Ken, by contrast, puts such fantasies where they belong - in the realm of art.


Ken does feel separate from the rest of them. He's had a few bad moments on the show but he's not them. It's a dark reality for all of the characters really and the next episode really highlighted that.