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Rock On!


Schitt's Creek, Season 5, Episode 6

Rock On!


Sarah P

I’m right there with you that David’s plan for Patrick was a terrible idea! David’s dating history has clearly involved a lot of “open” relationships, although his comments make it clear that that was sometimes, or often, involuntary on his part. (“Has he asked you for an open relationship?” “Not yet!”, and the line later about how he’d like to find out he’s in an open relationship BEFOREHAND, as opposed to being told it after the fact.) Sexually “open” relationships are, as a cultural phenomenon, more prevalent in the queer, gay male community than they are in general. I have no numbers to back that up, just a lot of anecdotal stories from friends and people I know. Obviously, it depends on the person — and where they are. Point is, it makes sense that, in the esoteric social/romantic world that David navigated in NYC, this was a common thing. Now he’s having to navigate a dating world with completely different standards than what he’s been led to expect before. This is ON TOP of his own, personal insecurities where he’s skeptical that Patrick could want to be with only him.