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I'm On My Own Path


Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, Season 4, Episode 3


Rozenn Keribin

Isn't that opening theme fun! The patterns of opening themes is as interesting as those of the episode titles. You could say the first three opening themes were about the evolution of Rebecca's relationship with the label "crazy" from season to season. From full denial in the first season, to semi-acceptance that's just a deeper level of denial the second season, to defiant embrace the third. This season's opening theme abandons the word entirely! But it doesn't seem to be quite sure how to characterize Rebecca now that it's done so, does it. I remember being disoriented by the "Meet Rebecca!" first line and feeling it was completely out of place compared to the others and I wonder why. It's like all the other themes seemed to be saying something general about the nature of craziness, and just by using the word "Rebecca" the fourth season's theme destroys all of that. This song is the opposite of general, you can't be more about one specific person than that. The perspective also seems to shift. First and second season: a dialog between Rebecca singing in the first person and the chorus giving a kind of third-person view of her. Third season: no chorus but four different Rebeccas singing four different perspectives and switching between first and second person. This opening theme: Rebecca doesn't sing at all! No more first person, there's now only the chorus giving (trying to give) a third-person view of her. I guess her silent interaction with the camera is its own kind of dialog but I'm not sure what to make of it.


It's very well done. The amount of thought and detail in this show is incredible. Even down to the opening theme! I love that the series really does progress each season and isn't complacent.


as a lawyer, i have to say "don't be a lawyer" is one of my favorite songs from the show (although "where's the bathroom" is definitely up there too). i think it's more in the style of new edition than will smith, but definitely late 80s/early 90s. and it offers valuable advice that i wish every day i'd heeded. 🎶quickest way to ruin your life!🎵