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Bad In Bed


New Girl, Season 1, Episode 8

Bad In Bed


emily ღ

this episode!! one of my favorites lol


Per your opening discussion: In a few episodes you'll get a scene where Jess' MPDG-ness gets called out (by a character you've yet to meet), and one thing I like about that scene is that the writers have Jess defend herself in an important way: she's not a trope; she's a person. The other thing I like is that they don't make the other character the villain, which would have been the easy, cheap way to go. Per this episode: I feel so bad for Jess. What terrible advice she got 😬 Porn is to real sex as Marvel movies are to real life. 🤣

emily ღ

there's a really great video essay on YT you might be interested in, i can't recall the name of it but it's about how there's not really such a thing as a "MPDG" and that most characters that are MPDG's are genuinely how a lot of neurodivergent women/girls present IRL but when characters in fiction present this way, it's written off as "mpdg" and then negatively impacts women and girls who are like this because of neurodivergence IRL. it's really interesting to listen to and hear that perspective. jess is annoying in my opinion a lot of the times. but it's less so because of any "mpdg-ness" and more so "main character syndrome" and her not always taking others into consideration at times lol i do love her though! and the episode uou reference is a favorite of mine! for all the reasons you listed!