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The Barbecue


Schitt's Creek, Season 4, Episode 7

UPLOAD 7/12 TO PATREON: "The Barbecue"


Mermaid Day

Catherine O'Hara received the Governor General Performing Arts award and Noah Reid honored her by singing Joni Mitchell's "A Case of You" (he's also playing piano) I highly recommend giving it a watch. The video is available on youtube, there is a version that is a split screen of him performing and her reacting to it. It's beautiful.


So, randomly running into a partner's ex is one thing, randomly running into them and finding out they've been in your partner's dms for the past few months trying to get back together and your partner hasn't mentioned it to you is an entirely different ballgame, especially if you already have trust issues from prior relationships. From Patrick's perspective, he's probably just been ignoring his ex and hoping it'll all go away, to avoid the awkward conversation, which is a totally understandable sentiment, but for David, who, as you pointed out, is always one foot out the door in relationships because experience has told him that his partners always are, this could totally read as Patrick keeping his options open, since as far as I recall they haven't previously had a conversation about whether Patrick is gay or bi/pan.


that's why I kind of understand David's reaction. Patrick didn't just hide the fact that he was once engaged, but the ex-fiancé is in town looking for him and was in his DMs for months trying to get back with him as well. if my partner would hide something like that from me, I would also think they might be considering it, playing on my insecurities of not deserving a relationship and thinking they would leave me the second they find someone who is not "damaged goods"