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All the Bells Say


Succession, Season 3, Episode 9

All The Bells Say


Javier Suarez

I'm glad Connor finally stood up for himself in the intervention scene, "I love all 3 of you pricks, but what do I get from you chumps but chump change" basically sums up his relationship with his siblings. Despite him showing time and time again that he cares for his sibs, they don't really take him seriously and oftentimes don't even treat him like family. This was one of my favorite episodes and I know guys are gonna love season 4, great reactions as always!

Martin Nicholls

I'm in uncharted territory here, I'm watching behind you guys which is mad given I was watching this show from the start before most people had heard of it (so all my theories here are my original thoughts, not spoilers, just wanted to qualify that) - but I saw Kendall dropping the death thing on them coming - didn't expect the end though. All he's done is killed the supermajority clause, not the fact he'll need a majority of shareholders, you get Connor on board, maybe even *for reasons* Marcia (when she came back she undoubtedly got a bigger holding out of Logan) on board, maybe even Sandy and Stewy on board and it's still a dead deal - Shiv has a relationship with Stewy Jr and they won't particularly want to get cut out. Still think it's a Pierce thing in the end because all the kids are chummy with other members of the Pierce family now. Lots of great scenes in this one, they really do like to peak in the last few episodes on the season. Also I'm not convinced it's Tom, either, that seems like a Logan game - I think it's the person Roman is on the phone to when they're driving up... Blink and you miss it but Kendall put his hand on the shoulder of the guy who opened the car door for him when they were leaving, it's such a subtle thing but I liked that. I'm also not entirely convinced this whole setup hasn't been what Logan has been trying to get his kids to do all along, all get on the same page and want to run the business at fighting weight; but there's still somebody missing from the group.


They really don't treat him like family which started off as a funny bit but now it is very apparent that his love for them seems very one sided!


It is nice that they are all on the same side. I wonder if they can actually come together and make something. They are so dysfunctional I don't think they can.