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Somebody's Going to Emergency, Somebody's Going to Jail


The West Wing, Season 2, Episode 16



You are gonna love the Season 4 Christmas episode "Holy Night", one of the best in the show in my opinion.


Sam has always been probably my least favorite character of the main ones, but this episode is so incredibly well written and acted by Rob Lowe Big Block of Cheese day is a thing they make fun a lot, but Donna says it: "It's really nice", they listen to people and try to change the world and help the ones who are unheard. Now, I don't know a lot about the cartography map, but it's so funny to see CJ and Josh reaction to the "other one" and it makes you think what society valued more than everything at the time, that was travel and not a representation of the continents I like the little bit about Jed's library because pokes him about reelection or not; both him and Leo are in a standoff and know that they'll have to talk about it, but not now Not now because the episode was about Sam, about his relationship with his father (That is a common thing around Sorkin's characters, Leo had an alcoholic one and he had affairs like he tells in this episode, Josh father died in the flashback and now this), every move he makes is to strengthen a relationship between a child and his dad, between the woman and the dying father or the dying man and his own dad. He goes even a little more than it was supposed to because he takes it personally and when another father loses his trust, he gets weaker and angrier I loved how Donna helped him, how he shouted "father" instead of "grandfather" because his mind was racing and how at the end he does the right thing. The first scene is beyond logic and probably one of my favorites TWW cold open ever: the song becomes an actual song they're listening in the radio and lulls you inside the White House reminding you that everything can change in a New York Minute (More like a Washington Minute, but you get the point) and it changed a lot, a very lot And it will continue to change


Well said Luca, this definitely was a special episode and it's great that Sam got to have an episode of his own, so to speak. Donna is a very special character because she also just seems to work well with every character she interacts with.