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Too Much Birthday


Succession, Season 3, Episode 7


Aude M

What's commendable about Connor is that, from what you can learn during the show, he's the one who took his siblings out, took them camping or at the park, etc. He took ""care of them (in his own way, parobably), better than their own parents or at least the Dad. In this episode, you learn that Connor took them out to camping "because Dad couldn't be bothered". In a previous episode, Rome mentions a childhood memory (that he considers as his "most cherished memory btw) where Connor took him to a "fly-fishing thing in Montana" that he attributed to a moment he spent with his Dad, whereas it was with Connor. You can see Connor calling them "Romey", "Kenny", "Baby", being sometimes sweet and taking care of their well-being, very small gestures like that. The other siblings seems to not care about him though, take him as laughing stock and an outsider (and he is effectively awkward, eccentric, even inappropriate sometimes) This is sad...But I like to think that somewhere in their mind, they know that HE was more there for them than any of their parents ever was.

Javier Suarez

Great point, Connor was more of a father to the kids than they’re actual father.

Brian Harris

Jeremy Strong is next-level brilliant in this episode. I’ve seen all of it, and this might be his single best performance in the whole series (which is really saying something, cuz some of his Season 4 stuff is bonkers). This slow descent from Billy Joel crucifixion showmanship mania to bottoming out when Naomi gives him the watch and he realizes that no one is close enough to him to even know what he wants for his birthday - it’s such a profound display of emotional range. And it does make you feel terrible for him. The line that resonates with me is when he says to Naomi, “I want to go home,” and you realize about the same time he does that if home is where the people who love you are, then Kendall doesn’t have one. I forgot how nasty Roman gets this episode, it was pretty shocking.


This was the most vile Roman has been. Jeremy Strong, I get it. I understand why he won the Emmy. BRILLIANT. I can not wait to see what kind of roles he gets after this show.