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The perfect season finale!


Ted Lasso, Season 1, Episode 10


Sarah P

Thank you for doing the Patreon Jump-Ahead Special for Ted Lasso. I know it’s a common thing for Patreons, but doing it immediately after jumping ahead on The West Wing must be a real push for you with the recording time, editing, etc. As Ted Lasso would say — I appreciate ya!

Ladan S

I really like this finale! I like that they don't go with the typical ending and have them win. I agree that the only unredeemable character so far is Rupert, though the couple seconds of Jamie's dad might put him in that category as well. But everyone else has started or completed a redemption arc. I do think it is fitting that Rebecca wanted to see the team relegated for so long and then right after she changes her mind, it happens anyway and she is going to have to deal with the consequences of that as the owner. We get more Jamie in this one which I like. He has some great comedic moments throughout the series and he and Roy play off each other well. I've never thought he came off as an awful person like Rupert, just as a dick. And his progression is written so realistically; you see him come around a bit, but then he reverts because any time he starts to feel vulnerable or unsettled he gets defensive and lashes out (in a very similar way that Rebecca would seem to have doubts, but then would hear or read something about Rupert and dive back into her revenge scheme). He opened up to the team and did what Ted wanted, and was immediately sent back to Man City. While we know that was Rebecca, he doesn't, and it's kind of understandable that he's hurt and pissed off. We get a little more of his backstory paid off with the shot of his dad; if that is how he reacts to his son doing well and winning the game, I'd hate to see his reaction to Jamie losing. Rebecca eventually realized that Rupert treating her horribly didn't excuse her hurting other people. Jamie can get there too. Unpopular opinion, but I actually like season 2 even better than season 1, aside from one or two smaller storylines, so I'm excited to see your reactions to the first bunch of episodes this week! Thanks for all the extra time you guys are putting in!


Totally agree! About season 2 as well; I like it better overall than season 1. On Jamie, I'd also add that he was probably 12-14 — if not even younger — when his dad came back into his life (once he "got good," so he was creating enough buzz that his talents were being talked about widely enough that his dad caught wind of them, and perhaps was being publicly scouted by Man City). So that's 10 years of suffering verbal and, as we find out in this episode, physical abuse from his father, starting at a very impressionable age. Frankly, the fact that Jamie has any softness left in him at all is a bit of a miracle. Even apart from that, his being rude to Roy and Ted makes sense. Roy was a dick right back to him both in this episode and when they were on the same team, so Jamie has no real reason to be gracious, and Ted he still thinks transferred him. Yet, he made the extra pass anyway, despite knowing it'd get him punished by his dad, because it was the right thing to do. It's very commendable, despite the irony of the thing Ted was trying to teach him (e.g., "How many times I gotta tell you to make the extra pass?" from episode 2) being the thing that got Richmond relegated.


I am so excited for y'all to get started on season 2! This series is incredible, and season 2 is a wild ride. Everyone's dedication to the show and their characters has always bled through, and it just gets better in the second season (and I've got high hopes for the third) it makes all of the characters so much depth. And, everyone in the writers room deserves a massive shout-out as well. I've rewatched this series so many times and I'll never get tired of seeing other people's reactions to it. Fun? but not fun? fact is that Jason Sudeikis actually hit his head in Rebecca's office. He got his head glued shut and then returned to set so that Hannah Waddingham wouldn't have to do her coverage without a scene partner. Everyone working on this show is so invested, and I think that makes a massive difference. Thank you for posting, looking forward to your season 2 reactions!


FYI, episodes 1-3 of season 2 form a little mini-arc because they were written under the assumption that they'd be dropped all at once like the first three episodes of season 1 were. Apple then didn't do that, so if you feel like episodes 1 and 2 each leave off on a somewhat abrupt note, that's why. It'll really help your viewing experience that you'll at least be watching the first two episodes together instead of week-by-week.


Need a t-shirt with "Ooops, innit?" on it


Thanks for this! Very excited to see you dive into Season 2. You guys are great and I loved that you noticed that the little army man had goggles on so that he "sees" Jamie. This show does not hold back on exploring some of the dark side of human nature but always bringing things around to joy. It helped so many people during the pandemic. I just wish they would announce S3!!