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Steven Seagal or Zach Braff?



Wait...you can meet women at a cooking class?



What a great gift in my Inbox to start the weekend! Thanks as always. It always mystified me that, while trying to find good timeslots for Happy Endings, ABC never tried placing it after Modern Family (which was at its most popular right then, 2011-13, and never had an equally strong follow-up for the second half of the hour).That surely would have induced lots more viewers to sample it, but ABC insisted that the two shows "weren't compatible" -- apparently feeling that Happy Endings was more adult in its humor and appeal. (You couldn't prove it by me, I liked 'em both.)


We loved Modern Family, and can't see a reason why Happy Endings couldn't have been a great follow-up.


Steven Seagal is one of those guys that men think are manly and women do not care about. Like at all. #teambraff P.S. I feel sheepish asking it, but can you point out which one of you is Joe and which is Kevin? You probably said it at some point but I missed it 😟


Probably past tense applies to your first paragraph -- is Seagal even remembered any more? But yeah, he was a thing for a while, for reasons that I (male) never understood. But movie history is full of "how did this person become a star?" questions.