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House Warming Party!



House warming party!



They ended up over 150 songs over the 4 seasons, and hardly ever repeated a genre. They had not only a songwriting unit (Schlesinger & Dolgen, in addition to Rachel Bloom) on staff, but a choreographer (Kathryn Burns). Almost all songs were written after a script was complete, for a specific spot. And then each one of course had to be orchestrated, prerecorded, staged, and filmed. An astonishing achievement to do this on a weekly basis, when a big musical film might take a week or more for a single song. But I had to laugh at the description of Josh's song as easy to shoot -- just imagine him having to learn the steps in 4 different positions, and then do them with 4 different characterizations (like any boyband, there has to be the cute one, the naughty boy, the smart one, etc.). West Covina is a real place, situated more or less where the show says it is, though much about it was fictionalized for the show -- it's closer than 4 hours to the beach, for instance. The song "West Covina" was staged on an exceptionally big scale, being a special effort for the pilot. The show was developed as a half-hour "adult" series for Showtime (with short 6-episode seasons), but then Showtime declined to proceed after seeing the pilot. But creators Rachel and Aline shopped it around to other networks, and the CW picked it up -- but as an hourlong series, and for 13 episodes a season. So it needed a lot of reorganizing, and Darryl was recast (and his pilot scenes reshot). I agree that this is the episode where we see what Josh has going for him. He's empathetic as you said, and he has that gift (which I personally envy) of being able to meet people on their own terms and put them at ease. The neighbor is named Heather, and it's no spoiler to clarify that she's a regular -- she was in the animated credits already last week, even though we didn't meet her till now. I get such a kick out of "Room Temperature" as a name for a boyband (recalling that there was one called 98 Degrees). I also love the actress who plays Young Rebecca; we'll see her again.

Jamie D

Rebecca guessing "...carwash?" kills me every time.

Jamie D

For whatever reason, this is the episode where the show finally "clicked" for me when I watched it for the first time. Somehow when I watched the first two episodes, I thought it was just a rom-com with some Glee-like singing. THIS is where I realized that the songs were all in Rebecca's head and from her perspective, and that the show as a whole was a satire. Not sure why it took me so long, except I was just so used to the standard sitcom format that I just didn't get it at first.


That's the total I've seen them claim, and I wouldn't dream of disputing it! My Sporcle quiz has 154, but it all depends on whether you count certain mini-reprises and instrumentals into the total.


A satire, but also a serious drama at times, sometimes like a romcom but a subversive one, other times a comedy of manners, and, of course, a musical (in which other characters eventually sing without Rebecca being present... as the creators put it, when she came to West Covina, she "infected" the others with her way of seeing things -- or, as Rachel sometimes said when she felt like being blunt, don't tie yourself in knots about that aspect). I think almost everybody got it wrong at first, myself included. The premise seems so rom-com-y (girl pursues unattainable boy), that it takes a while to understand that something quite different is happening, and that none of the mindless terms like "ship," "team," or "endgame" are appropriate here.

Tyler Mckenzie

White Josh is a sexy "chipmunk". A "chiphunk" if you will lol