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Best-Laid Plans



You might need a bit more caffeine before some of these solo reactions :) re Laika: "I really hope they're just making that up for the show"... nope, sorry. Laika overheated to death. re Hollywood not making living in the Soviet Union fun, the Soviet launch site is Baikonur, Kazakhstan. It's just a very desolate area with or without Russian politics, Hollywood doesn't need to do any doctoring to make it look like a miserable place to live compared to Cape Canaveral or Houston. I'm not surprised the cosmonauts wanted to try American food in America. I always want to try the local food even when I'm visiting a country not known for its food, for example visiting Denmark my Danish friends there were surprised I wanted to try traditional food and not just the highly-rated but not very traditional Copenhagen food scene. I had a similar experience in Lithuania with my friend there wanting to show off the best American-style food when I was much more interested in the traditional local cuisine. On the other hand my brother's wife is from Malaysia and has been living in the US for several years in small towns not known for authentic southeast Asian food, and when she (and my brother and their kid) visits me in NYC she's really happy to go to the decently authentic Malaysian restaurants we have here for a taste of home. Can't blame her because Malaysian food is so, so good. Went to Malaysia myself recently and still can't stop thinking about the food. Learning about duck and cover as a kid in the 90s, growing up a few years after the immediate threat had passed, it always seemed so dumb. How could getting under a desk protect you against a nuclear bomb? But now I realize that wasn't a stupid strategy at all. If you're in the city center you'll just be vaporized, but if you're a few miles out the immediate danger is windows shattering, which hiding under a desk actually could protect you from.


No, I was looking at my phone. My family was having travel issues. It was just bad timing. Mea Culpa.

Roland Cooke

That scene where Ed and Karen speak to Kelly about her adoption landed so hard. "You weren't a Band-Aid, you were a heart transplant". Dusty in here. And I'm not sure if I got it the first time around, but it makes sense that they adopted a child who wouldn't be any resemblance to Shane, would serve to reduce the stress on all three of them.

Kristi Govertsen

Great episode! This season IS set in the 80s 🙂. It’s too bad they couldn’t include more music of the era. I guess they had more important things to budget for (like the awesome special effects that make the space stuff spectacular). 🚀 I thought the Ken Burns multi-part documentary about the National Parks system was incredible, so it sounds like I should add the one about the highways to my “to watch” list. 🎶Ain’t no party like a Ken Burns party ‘cause a Ken Burns party is always way more interesting than his documentary titles would indicate🎶

Sarah P

I feel for Larry. As you mentioned, being at Boeing instead of NASA doesn’t mean that being openly gay wouldn’t tank his career in the 80s. (That’s aside from any other personal/familial ramifications.) If they divorce, and Ellen comes out, it will force Larry to either come out himself, or double-down on his own closetedness by pretending that he didn’t know Ellen was gay. He’s being a real champion by facing this new reality head-on. I hope they’re both OK!

Roland Cooke

Shades of Jamestown base..... > NASA is still deciding how two astronauts will return to Earth after their Boeing Starliner mission encountered issues that delayed their trip home for eight weeks. As they wait on the International Space Station, concerns are now mounting over the limited supply of "consumables" — such as food — on board. < https://www.cnn.com/2024/08/14/science/boeing-starliner-astronaut-return-update/index.html?utm_term=17237198265627e60fba004aa&utm_source=cnn_Five+Things+for+Thursday%2C+August+15%2C+2024&utm_medium=email&bt_ee=kEMs8ch3B%2FEcf6kLnwBRrK946xNpUqMAUCm2lpvVgr4ywdxn0o8FfDZil4WDC49r&bt_ts=1723719826565