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Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint, Robert Pattinson, Brendan Gleeson, Michael Gambon, Maggie Smith, Ralph Fiennes, David Tennant


Joy M

Frances de la Tour who plays Madame Maxime was in another great movie I’ve been meaning to recommend to you guys, The History Boys. Richard Griffith who plays Uncle Vernon in the Potter films is also in that movie along with James Corden and Dominic Cooper. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_History_Boys_(film)


The next movie, Order of the Phoenix, is actually the longest HP novel, but regrettably the movie is one of the shortest in the film franchise. That doesn't make it a bad movie, but it does mean that some things were left out. For instance, Dobby is in the book but not in the movie. This doesn't change the storyline at all. There is one detail in the books that is important to a loose end from Prisoner of Azkaban (that you guys even commented on!) that is left out of the Order of the Phoenix movie but I'll save what that is when you finish the next movie as well as one or two explanations that are never mentioned in the movie but are important to know that Harry knows going forward that I'll also save. Buckle up! We're definitely not in kids movie territory anymore, these are firmly YA films now.


That's awesome to hear. I love this franchise so much and we're only 4 movies in! Can't wait to hear the details

Holly Colclasure

Loved that you recognized David Tennant. Aside from Doctor Who, he's also in Good Omens and Broadchurch.


See, I've never seen and have barely heard of those projects! I recognize him and obviously he's very talented. I need to check out more of his work.


In my opinion Ron´s behavior in this movie is quiet understandable. He has 5 older brothers, who were all really succesfull in school, quidditch or popularity and his best freind is the most famous person in the wizarding world. In the first movie he looks in the mirror Nerhegeb and sees himself als headboy and quidditch captain winning the house cup. So it´s established, that his deepest desire in life is to get some recognition. Still he´s always a loyal friend to Harry and suddenly it seems that Harry dooesn´t trust him enough to tell him how he managed to trick the goblet of fire. I think Harry understands how Ron feels betrayed and that is the reason why he forgives him so fast. Also, Cedric´s death is the turning point of the Harry Potter series. Up to that point the story plays in a time of peace, but with Cedric´s death the Second Wizarding War has started.


I get where he's coming from. Teenagers. I liked that they didn't spend the whole movie that way. The stakes do feel high and I'm really digging where this is going.