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So we see Don still unable to shake Diana, her shadow still looming over him. It feels like the end of the world, so he rocks up to her doorstep but she's gone.

Robert Bauman

The Don speech to the employees at the end reminded me of "Chinese Wall" from S4. That one takes place right after Roger loses Lucky Strike and the firm seems to be cratering. Don gives one of his trademark speeches to everyone to rally the troops and the firm ends up recovering by the end of the season. That is a very stark contrast to how this one is received. In my mind his speech falling on deaf ears also seems to foreshadow how things might be at McCann, Don will be just another cog in the machine there instead of the singular figure he is at SCDP.


Is it Diana or is it really Rachel? It feels to me like he's unable to shake Rachel. Diana just reminds him of her


That ending man. Favorite episode of mad men rn. But that literally changes with every rewatch. Greatest tv series of all time