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Game Of Thrones, Season 1, Episode 9.



Scott Pearson Eberly

Medieval Time my friend. Infections killed many, living into your 40s was considered an achievement. FYI… George R. R. Martin took heavy inspiration from real Medieval history.


It's so true. I just didn't even think about it. Someone so strong and powerful taken out by a scratch. Crazy

Michael Bennett

Love everything about this episode. What can I say about Ned. It was a harder gut punch than Bran being pushed out of the tower in the first episode. And so soon after losing Bobby B. Jorah's swordfight was outstanding, and it's a reference to a conversation he had in a previous episode with his opponent about armor vs. no armor. Jorah said armor would win, and he was exactly right in this case. I really loved how he drew his sword with no hesitation and just grimly got on with doing what needed to be done. Tywin is one of my favorite characters and seeing his disgust at thwarted by Robb is awesome. "With his other 18,000 men!" In general, no one saw anything in this episode coming. Not the characters, not the audience. Even Tyrion didn't see the hammer, lol.


Ned dying has bugged me all week. It was such a brutal and savage way to dispatch a noble character. Love the choice. it's completely unconventional. Jorah is way too cool. One of my favorites. Lot's of great side characters on this show. Charles Dance is a great actor. Love his brief appearance in Alien 3 LMAO

Imagine Nat

On rewatches, my skin crawls at Sansa's little smile at Joffrey right before he switches directions. She so desperately wants to believe things will be okay. And it really builds the tension for how out of nowhere this is that all these people jump into action to try to reason with Joffrey and eventually have to give up and watch.