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It was great. Everyone has been down this season (from the kidnapping on for obvious reasons), and this felt like the official bounce-back for the administration and the characters.

Kelsey Krehbiel

One of the biggest effects of a government shutdown that doesn't get touched on in this episode is on the actual city of Washington. A lot of people forget, but because DC isn't a state, the budget is overseen and operated by the federal government. One of the first things that has to happen in a shutdown is an agreement of an operating budget for DC, otherwise city employees--police officers, trash collectors, teachers, etc. won't get paid. I worked for the public schools in DC during the shutdown in 2013. Conversations in the breakroom turned to what we would do if we weren't going to get paid (which was what would have happened if the shutdown continued a few days longer than it did). Would teachers just be expected to keep showing up regardless? And frankly--how few of us would be able to afford to.


That would be so scary. It's a really good point. I wish they would have addressed it in the episode

James B.

The Haffley Time cover seems like foreshadowing. It was Josh's cover story that presaged his downfall.