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"Clavado En Un Bar" - This used to be my playground...


Jamie D

The career shift identity crisis is an interesting perspective to look at. I went to college for wildlife law enforcement, and then worked for 8 years after graduation as an animal control officer at a police department. Eventually admitted to myself that law enforcement wasn't really what I wanted to do forever. I started looking at job listings, trying to figure out a direction....and eventually realized that deep down, my true self is just a big book nerd. So, I applied to a few places and then landed a full-time job at my local library. I've since been promoted to Bookmobile Librarian....which is like the ultimate in book nerd jobs. I love it.

Sarah P

I think you’re right that defining someone by their job, or having that be a fundamental thing you pay attention to in someone, is given more weight in the USA than some other western countries. The thing I hear about a lot with the UK/USA divide is that in the USA people really seem to want to know where you went to college/university, or people wearing university merch as a pride thing. I’ve literally never seen anyone in the UK wearing anything with a university name on it, whereas that’s a popular thing in the USA.

Sarah P

That’s amazing! So glad you listened yourself about what you really wanted in your day-to-day job. I think that’s something we tend not to consider when we’re speculating about careers — the actual, day-to-day experience of a job can be different from the overall subject matter. I have a friend who went to culinary school and wanted to work in restaurants, but — like a lot of people, I’m told — find the kitchen experience far too stressful. He still works in food, just in a different space.


You're so right. People ask me all the time where I went to college. It's weird that's our thing.