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Gavin Volure



They should have put a disclaimer before it. No one asked for those episodes to be pulled, it was merely NBCUniversal overreacting and preemptively heading off criticism that seemed unlikely to ever exist.

Silvantus Schnauzer

i really don't mean to be like this but not only do people not really complain about Tropic Thunder, it seems to be the ONLY thing any cares about when discussing the movie.

Silvantus Schnauzer

oops I meant to write more. (People don't even talk about the incredibly over the top jewish stereotype portrayed by someone who's not only not jewish, but someone who probably has not very nice opinions on jewish people, in the insane scientologist Tom Cruise. I think there's a big difference between something like Django or even Mad Men depicting racism and 30 Rock. Let's be real, 30 Rock isn't exactly a serious, informative show. The episode did clearly explain outright with words that blackface is wrong, but also literally rolled its eyes at the character explaining it sooooo....... The problem with doing racial caricature bits in comedy shows to explain how bad it is, is that you still have to do it. When there's a joke about otherwise worse things, like the classic dead baby jokes from the 2000s, you don't actually kill a baby. When you do a joke about how bad blackface (or other races) is, you're still doing blackface, just ironically. It's not really worth the fuss when generally everyone who watches the show already knows black face is bad, so you're not teaching anything. What I will say is, shows like Sunny or the Office have stuff that is way worse, and seem to get a pass due to their popularity. That seems to be the measure for how much people can understand a show depicting something negative. Thing I like - It's being ironic or subversive Thing I don't like- It's being offensive. People like to pick and choose with no consistency so it's not worth getting bothered about (sorry for ranting)

Silvantus Schnauzer

Now onto the actual episode- JET is a Black magazine like Ebony I say "I miscounted the men!" at least once a month


First I wanna say that you're not wrong but there has to be some context. As far as Tropic Thunder, Ben Stiller is a Jewish man, he produced and directed the film. I know that maybe that shouldn't matter, but it's worth considering. I am a believer that comedy should push boundaries, but being offensive for the sake of being offensive is not funny. It's Always Sunny and The Office are so off the wall that of course they know it's wrong, all of this is subjective and I choose to believe that these writers are educated enough to not believe what they are portraying. It's a bold choice.

Silvantus Schnauzer

I feel like Ben Stiller (someone benefitting from the film and probably friends with TC), or any singular person for that matter, really shouldn't be the arbiter of whether or not something is ok for jewish people. Is Far Right Stuff cool because Ben Shapiro or other Jews give it a pass? I genuinely think I would've taken almost anyone else non-jewish, so maybe it's just the Scientology thing. To be clear, I'm not saying that it's always inappropriate, just that I completely understand if people don't like it. In a perfect world, people would just turn off stuff that isn't meant for them, but we also live under capitalism where all art is a product, and all products are guided by corporate interests which usually lean towards caution. We also live in a world where people don't fully comprehend media, and it takes one hit joke to have people repeating "would you like a slushie" to brown people or "I turn left now, good luck everybody else" to Asians, so there is a real concern for the targeted people as well. Comedy is tough because you can say offensive shit to your group of ~10 friends and they all know you're not racist because they know you. But if you say that same thing in front of 1000 people, will everyone tacitly assume you're a good person? Should they? I understand that they don't believe it's morally right, but at some point, it doesn't really matter. Non-Black people (for the blackface example) deciding that doing racist things isn't actually racist because they did it ironically is just a bit weird to me. At least 30 Rock has a notable black staff, hopefully implying that there was either collaboration or endorsement. The Unbreakable Kimmy Shmidt (Also Tina Fey) had a whole arc about a black character identifying as a geisha, very clearly addressing the complaints about blackface, while simultaneously making fun of transness? It just came across as so cringe and bitter and made that season basically unwatchable. Otherwise, hilarious show though (actually does white-person-playing-another-race in a good way as well imo, so wtf) definitely watch if you need a direct 30 rock replacement.


Should definitely watch Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, Michael Caine and Steve Martin at their absolute best.