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Martin Nicholls

Remember the glory days when Bagel had a specific meaning? Like 2 years ago. Now it just means whatever you want it to mean to avoid having to say Bagel. Isn't it great? The "he didn't know what it means" thing - North Koreans are brainwashed in the most literal sense and not told what it means, the point being if he'd known he'd have been kicking at screaming all the way to the airport as opposed to just going in total silence. Also, did you both remember to complete your TPS report for this episode?


I like this episode, though it does represent a downward turn of mood for the show. I love Russell's reaction to Toby and Will's speech; it really defined that character for me. I first saw Gary Cole 35 years ago as the lead of a serious show called "Midnight Caller" in which he played a former cop who becomes a late-night talk radio host who solves peoples problems during the day. It was actually pretty interesting, or at least, not as cheesy as it sounds.


Two character actors with the longest acting resumes I’ve seen: Charles Lane who lived to be 102 and worked into his 90s and William Shallert. Both were mainstays of classic tv and Charles Lane had smaller parts in some of the biggest films of the 30s and 40s


This isn't related to this episode, but it popped up on Youtube recently. It's from a Paley Center panel from the first or second season, I think, so there are no spoilers. It's just nice to see the cast relaxing with each other. youtube.com/watch?v=4gB-3Hz9N-M&list=WL&index=8