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Field Trip


Hawaiian Shirt Funeral

"I know how I want you to see me." About as close as you can come to summing up Don in a single sentence thus far in the show.


Notice how Betty was listing all the great things her new husband is doing, only for Francine to come out as a proud working woman. Times have indeed changed and Betty is old fashioned. Her going to the field trip with Bobby was only to prove a point to Francine, that yes I still have an important role as a mom. She wouldn't have gone, if it weren't for their conversation and it hitting a nerve. From Mad Style: "She was judging Francine from head to toe for lacking in the fulfillment of her maternal duties. Of course Francine did a delicious passive-aggressive turn by deliberately calling her “Betty Draper” in response to Betty’s condescending, “Maybe I’m old-fashioned.” That was Francine’s way of saying, “Shyeah. ‘old fashioned.’ Remind me again how many husbands you’ve had, bitch?” Betty always reacts to things instead of taking action independently. And she’s highly influenced by the people around her; especially the women. She dyed her hair and gained weight in a mad dash to turn herself into Henry’s mother, for instance. Here, she’s impulsively signing up to chaperone so that she can feel good about her choices …"