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"Visiting Ours" - Daddy h*rny, Michael.



Jason Bateman tells a story that they had to fight with the studio to get him the part and he had to audition three or four times because they didn't think he could do it. He was of course on a down slope since his child acting days at that point, but obviously crushes this and rightfully has had a great career revival.

Sydney Frasure

I don’t know why I care about this so much but this is just a bee in my bonnet that will not go away. You have not “heard nothing but bad things” about the Netflix episodes! I defended them before and I will continue to do so! Honestly, I’ve gotten more and more heated about it every week lol. Not only are the Netflix episodes not horrible, they’re actually pretty good! They just aren’t as good as the rest of the series and whenever there’s a show that people love as much as this show, they will think that any final seasons that don’t live up to the rest of the series “ruined the show”. There were a lot of reasons that those episodes struggled and none of those reasons are “the writing was just terrible”. Also, full disclosure, I am a comedy writer/performer in LA so I have a lot of friends who are writers on sitcoms and I get protective of them.


Shout out to your friends! We both are gunna check it out, just maybe not on the channel. If everyone wants us to then sure! Maybe "nothing but bad things" was a poor choice of words. The majority of people who have told us about this show were not fans of the later seasons.