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"Somewhere Else" - It just occurred to me that the S2 premier was a 2-parter, and that's why we have 12 episodes and not 13 this season.


Rozenn Keribin

I enjoy Downton Abbey a lot but I admit my favorite part of Downton Abbey is the "Up Yours, Downstairs!" reaction podcast by Kelly Anneken and Amy Schneider (who went by a different name then). A rare "humorists react" reaction podcast that's both delightful AND extremely educational. We aren't yet at the part of culture recursively eating itself where youtubers can react to reaction podcasts I suppose?

Laura Filler

She was isolated during both times: good & bad she was still doing it all on her own. Thus, the idea that we owe one another connects us. Having those connections is what made her better.


Is Downton Abbey really that good? I have never seen a second of it and I hear nothing but good things about it.