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"Bringing Up Buster" - Steve Holt!



The bleeping of the swearing I think is so funny because it’s like the comedy version of scary movies where they don’t show the scary thing and leaves it up to you to fill in the blanks. Like not showing the shark in Jaws until like halfway through (I’m assuming you guys have seen Jaws, but if you haven’t I’m sorry…there’s a shark in it).


The show I can think of that feels the most like this is Better Off Ted (which also has Portia de Rossi in a main role). Particularly in the way it's almost a serialized story that has jokes build and build on themselves for the whole show. The Venture Bros. also does a great job at that. As does Bojack Horseman, but that has a very different feel since it's just as much drama as comedy and somehow manages to be both one of the funniest and one of the heaviest shows ever.


I can't believe the talking horse show is a drama! I've heard nothing but great things about it and yet it seems so strange