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"The Better Half": Appropriately named, because Betty was on her A-game in this one.



Bob is so funny standing around in his shorts. I love how Roger flubs his name in the next scene.


I'm a little behind with my watching and I've just finished this episode, so I am going to comment under here. This and the last episode were one of my most memorable and favourite ones in this season, if not the whole show. I started watching Mad Men in 2008 when I was 18 and have rewatched it almost yearly since it ended. I am now 34 and a woman. And It is strange, growing up with this show and watching it, because your own ever-evolving life experience gives each scene and character and action a different meaning. I work in an artistic profession, in a huge corporation, not dissimilar to Peggy and Stan, and my friend group consists mostly of likeminded people, musicians, artists and yeah, that sort of crowd, but not exclusively. So for me, the hedonistic aspects of the show are not so jarring and not so unfamiliar. I don't clutch my pearls every time I see anyone under the influence or cheating. Is it always nice, always pleasant? No, but it's life and it happens. High time to stop pretending it doesn't. When I first started watching the series, Don Draper definitely came off cooler than he now is (we also didn't have the benefit of seeing the later seasons). I very much took his ethos to heart: you can be anyone if you sell yourself well enough. And it has helped me in my career, I am not going to lie. Of course, with my own maturing and seeing the subsequent seasons, I don't put him on a pedestal anymore. I actually know a person in real life who is very much similar to Don in his interpersonal relationships and his inner demons and struggles and is inability to break free. It is fascinating and also very sad to watch. I (and many other women I know) have also been in similar situations like Peggy in the closing scene - feeling you're merely at the whim of the men in your life, changing direction and moods like a leaf blowing in the wind. Of course it is up to the person to grow up and take the power in their own hands. Be interesting to see how Peggy handles that. - I feel like the "I'm Bobby number 5" joke was poking fun at the fact that Bobby was recast like 3 or 4 times since season 1. - I like the dynamic Henry and Betty have. Seems like they are very compatible sexually and Henry actually gets off on the fact that his wife is gorgeous and wanted - and that is what she likes too, because she was raised to be admired. She may have cheated on him physically with Don, but she is not actually being unfaithful. " This happened a long time ago" - she is getting her comeuppance and her power back, but is emotionally detached from Don. She got her closure and will never go back. I don't see it as black and white 'cheating'. -In earlier seasons, I came to Betty's defence precisely because I know from personal experience, that being with someone emotionally unavailable can do a lot of damage to a person and make them stressed, anxious and agitated. Henry is stable and mature enough for Betty to relax and also to grow. She will still be Betty - but she has come a long way.


I honestly love this comment, I couldn't agree more. The way that we've completely pulled a 180 on her. It's crazy how our perceptions of these characters in the first few seasons are so different now. Don Draper isn't cool. Was he at first? Maybe. Definitely a horrible person. Betty was definitely a product of him coupled with a broken childhood where she never had emotional support. Henry is amazing for providing that for her. I've actually known people that think it's awesome that people are attracted to their partner. Good for them, it's not a fault. Different strokes for different folks. I love the overall arc of all the characters. Let's see where this goes.