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Existential Crisis



It’s Chinese for « Japon »


I just want to give props to Kristen Bell here, who is always amazing but is especially so here, specifically in Eleanor's grief-fueled breakdown at Bed Bath & Beyond (as well as in her conversation with Michael afterward). Even though it's partly played for laughs, there's a real rawness in her performance that rings incredibly true to me. It brings a tear to my eye every time I watch. Kristen is an actor that has become best known for her charm and comedy skills, but if you're familiar with her earlier work (especially on Veronica Mars), you know that she's an incredible dramatic actor as well. And when she brings that part out on "The Good Place," it's all the more powerful because of how it contrasts with the overall fun vibe of the show.


Honestly before this I knew of her but it was mostly comedy. Forgetting Sarah Marshall is one of my all time favorite films. I'm glad I get to see her weekly.