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Dance Dance Resolution


Maria Stoycheva

I really enjoyed the montage with the 800+ attempts. Honestly, that could have been the whole episode and I still would have been happy. I am sad we didn't get to see the multiple characters that any of the Bad Place employees was forced to create - I am sure they got to some elaborate, fun torture in all these attempts. I always enjoy seeing the same actor performs different roles within the same show: think Groundhog day, or swapping bodies like in Freaky Friday, or alternative universe versions, or adjusting for time travel... Jason inadvertently giving someone an idea is one of my favourite jokes in this series. His stories are always so bizarre and yet... they sometimes make a lot of sense.

Chris H.

This has possibly been mentioned by someone else already (sorry, just subbed), but NBC basically begged Michael Schur to develop something else for them as Parks & Rec was drawing to a close, and Schur only agreed to do that if he got a contractual guarantee of four seasons exactly, so he could do a completely serialized show with interconnected episodes where everything was planned and outlined in advance. (With Parks and Rec never knowing if the show would get canceled, there are 5 or 6 episodes especially in the first 3-4 seasons which could have served as a series finale, which he hated having to do.) That's why The Good Place is as good as it is. Every episode is intentional and planned so that it moves the overall plot arc forward.


Studios and Networks are so weird. I get that it's a business but just let the artist do his or her job. Kudos to him for being professional and making some of the greatest tv ever. I'll watch anything he does