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Robert Bauman

Herb from Jaguar is my least favorite character on the show. Just the absolute worst. I'm not a big fan of Dan at this point in the series but watching him sabotage that pitch was so enjoyable.


Herb is a garbage person. Watching him sabotage the pitch was like the writers winking at us. They know we all hate him and it was very satisfying to see

Scott Pearson Eberly

This script is extremely underrated. Weiner talked about wanting to do an episode on unspoken rules on not what the letter of the law says, but rather the spirit of the law and how you get around these agreements. The agreement between Don and Sylvia, Pete’s affair with Brenda showed us the unspoken agreement Trudy had with Pete and the apartment. He broke it by getting sloppy with a neighbor which broke Trudy’s #1 rule. The best was Herb’s demand and how Don found a way to tank it and Herb having no idea Don did it on purpose. All these rules changing daily is enough to make one’s head hurt. I’ll have an Old-Fashioned!


You could teach this in a screen writing class. When I took it, we mostly broke down movies and a couple episode of tv. The X Files actually lol. I would have loved to break this one down