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The Collection



This is the episode that proved to me Alec Baldwin would go as far and be as ridiculous as possible for the sake of comedy.


Just because of the Will Arnett love at the beginning, I have to again recommend (the first three seasons) of Arrested Development when looking for another comedy in the future.


I love it. Good for him. Honestly I wish that he would do more comedy but I get why isn't right now for obvious reasons


One of the very funny things about 30 Rock is that Jack is as weird as Liz or any of the other characters, he's just more socially competent. In fact, there's sort of an ongoing theme that social competency is not actually correlated to anything else. Liz is more socially competent than Jenna or Tracy or any of the writers, so she looks like the mature one who is holding it together... but she also kidnapped a baby and bought a wedding dress on a whim that she proceeded to get ham grease all over. Jack seems even more mature than Liz... but he created an entire fake persona in order to keep his cookie jar collection a secret while also actively participating in the cookie jar community. Seeming like you have it together is not the same as actually having it together.