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Hello, I had a lot to do these weeks, my father made me a table and I had to reposition my desk, emptying the tons of papers and cables I had, I changed internet company a few days ago and my dog broke the cable 2 DAYS IN A ROW , here are the drawings I did within this week (and to use my little table for the first time ahah)


1º drawing-  I detail a very old sketch that I had forgotten in my folder

2º drawing- another old drawing that I did again, I had planned to publish the 2 characters years ago, but I never decided on the colors for this one (I still can't decide for the clothes...)

3º4º5º- drawings in my non-fetish moments




Oh no the belly manspreading is SO GOOD! And I am loving all the little sketchies! :D


I love these little sketches, they are so fricken cute