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hello people guess what,because is the best month of the year, especially on December 29 *cough*my birthday*cough*, i decide to do a little challenge, and draw the 28 people who participate in the november raffl3 (if there is a new patron of $10, can add his sketch to that list), I couldn't do it before because of the trip (I had a great time but I caught a cold, and I had an allergy to eating shellfish). 

I'll probably have all the sketches by the end of the month because I still have commissions to make, but this helps me get back on track again. so hope you all have a nice december and im ready for the note spam with the info ahaha.



Ooh, just to make sure, does this mean I can also join? 👀 Since I only just became patron. It's okay if I can't, I was expecting to have to await future opportunities anyway. Either way I can only admire how much effort youre already giving for your fans!!


hellu sorry for the late reply, you can participate, just send me a pm with the info for the sketch :)


What a lovely surprise ❤️