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Dank Waifu

guys theyre at the braus ranch, you know anyone else with that surname? lol


I was so annoyed you didn't clock that was Sashas family when the dad said their last name lol, I'm glad you clocked it by the end! Any chance you 2 would react to Hazbin Hotel when a slot opens? Not an anime or K drama or anything, but I reckon you 2 will like it!


Truly, Sasha's plot and her associated parts of the story, got to me the most. So devastating but also lots of mixed emotions

Chideraa Udegbulem

Did you notice on the to be continued screen and the episode number it’s showing a map of the world including Paradis and Marley it’s been lie that since ep 1


I wanted to hear the rest of what Wes was saying dang it~ lol but I agree, Gabi is a prime example of Cognitive Dissonance during wartime and how it can affect someone. When your entire world view is based around a singular idea and how you'd react when things start to chip away at your reality to show you were brainwashed. I really liked the conversation between Gabi and the blonde girl though when Gabi is parroting all the things she's been taught and the blonde is saying "but what does that have to do with us?" I think this drives home a problem we still face as people. We get too caught up with the sins of history that it affects how we view and treat people who had nothing to do with any of it. Eg. I'm half German (mom was born in Wetzlar) and upon learning that, a lot of people actually accuse me of being a nazi even though a) I was born in America and have nothing to do with the wars. b) don't hold the same views as neonazis. Another eg. Is in 2011 when people were saying Japan deserved their suffering during the disaster because of WW2, like hello? The people suffering today are not the people who attacked Pearl Harbor. Hell, even during the war, the people the US government retaliated against weren't even the ones that had anything to do with the war. 🙄 Anyway, I think it's a very important conversation that I wish was seen a lot more, especially here in the states where everyone still acts like they're being persecuted by everyone 😅